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Certificates and standards

Seppeler Ocynkownia Śląsk is certified to provide hot-dip galvanizing services in accordance with the requirements of the following standards:

  • Standard PN-EN ISO 1461,
  • Standard DIN EN ISO 14713,
  • Standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2015,
  • PZH approval for contact with drinking water,
  • German conformity approval (ÜZ-Zeichen) testing in accordance with DASt-Richlinie 022 guidelines,
  • Certificate of the Polish Galvanizing Association.

Ecology in our galvanizing plants

Caring for the environment is caring for ourselves and our loved ones. It is about caring for everyday life and the future. Therefore, when planning and implementing new technologies, we are always guided by the principle of selecting those solutions that are safest and most neutral to nature. We reduce to a minimum the generation of waste, emissions and fumes that can have an adverse effect on the environment.

In order to make our actions as effective as possible, we cooperate openly with authorities and companies that care about the environment. What is more, the voice of the public is what we value as well.

We protect the environment

In order to protect the environment in a better way, as well as the health of our employees and local residents, we have installed state-of-the-art exhaust air filtration systems that reduce emissions to a minimum. Heat generated in the production process is recovered and reused for heating equipment and premises.

Waste is transferred to specialized companies for further processing and reuse or to be recycled.